Parent Advisory Council
​"At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents." Jane D. Hull
Parent Advisory Council
The Parent Advisory Council is a committee, consisting of parents, that allows parents to have a voice on the governance of the preschool. They will also work together to plan one to two events for our preschoolers. All parents are members of the Parent Advisory Council that meets once every two months. At one of the first meetings, the parents elect Advisory Committee officers which are as follows:
Chairperson- works with staff and other officers to plan the agenda for the parent meetings, conducts all Advisory Committee meetings, and serves as a non-voting member of all sub-committees.
Vice-Chairperson- In the absence or disability of the Chairperson, s/he shall assume the Chairperson’s duties and assist the Chair as needed.
Secretary-records attendance of all Advisory Committee meetings and keeps and distributes minutes